Saturday, July 24, 2010

New Glass Gem Magnets!

I've been working on some new ideas involving my photos, paintings, collages and glass.  I have a large number of glass gems from various projects so I've been experimenting with making them into pendants and magnets.  So far the results are quite promising! I realize this isn't a totally new idea, but since the pictures in this case are my own photos, paintings, and collages, it gives it some originality (at least I think so, lol ).   I love the magnifying effect of the glass droplets. For those who have never made these fun little things, here is a quick tutorial:
Glass Gem Magnet Tutorial
Supplies Needed

Clear (without iridescence allows the picture to show through) Glass Floral Gems
Desired images, scrapbook paper works great!
Mod Podge or other gel sealer
round magnets, not larger than the size of the gems
scissors or round paper punch equal to the bottom size of the gems
two part epoxy glue
  1. Wash and dry gems well, inspect for defects
  2. cut images from the desired source
  3. apply a small coat of mod podge to the flat side of the gems and then glue the paper circles face down onto the glass gems
  4. trim any excess paper once the mod podge has set.
  5. apply several more coats of mod podge to the underside of the paper and allow to dry
  6. mix the two part epoxy ( I used loctite) according to package instructions
  7. apply epoxy to magnet and stick magnet to the paper side of the glass gem
  8. allow epoxy to harden, polish front side of new magnet
This is a greatly simplified tutorial, but you get the idea.  You can have a lot of fun using tissue paper layers, creating tiny collages under the glass. I like to use the "contact sheet" option when printing out photos or artwork because it's just about the right size.  I have plans to try this with glass tiles and would use about the same basic directions.  Also, using Mod Podge, you can make a gel transfer to the glass, creating a translucent image. It's how I made this:

I have some other artwork/glass projects up and coming.  A lot of my creations involve a necessity and right now I'm in the middle of redecorating two rooms and desperately wanted some interesting artwork, so that will be the inspiration for some lamps I am planning to make.  Hoping to get the supplies today and see if I can put them together!

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